
反正這集就是要解Gormogon 之謎啦,因為一開始就知道雷,
所以看到實驗室爆炸我就猜是 Zack 自導自演的,
當然 Hodgins 嫌疑也很大啦,小甜心醫生嫌疑也很大,
不過我覺得之前越是有人猜是小甜心就越不可能是他 (雖然感覺以歲數來說他跟Zack是最有可能變成學徒的)
Cam 看到Bones 和 Booth 沈重表情之後,臉上的表情轉變讓人真是難過,
"I didn't see that coming" 我想大家都是吧!
是說找女友會有用嗎? XD

Booth 在端詳平台上的骨頭,Bones問他在幹嘛,他說在思考,
Cam 說 it's a pickle.(這是什麼俗語嗎?)The platform is the crime scene, but they have
to access it to investigate the crime
Angela說 It's a have-a-cake-and-eat-it-too situation.
Zack 問說到底是pickle還是 cake?
Hodgins 就解釋說 It's Schrodinger's cat.
Zack 就恍然大悟說:啊那我懂了。pickle跟蛋糕對我來說都沒意義。
我看到這邊大笑耶,果然 geek 還是有專用語言。 XD

(其實我之前也不知道Schrodinger's cat 是什麼東西,
不過剛好昨天的Big Bang Theory裡面 Sheldon 也有提到,而且還有解釋,(昨天那集超好笑的!)
我還真的跑去查wikipedia, 結果剛好在Bones看到,所以覺得這巧合實在太好玩了。)
Schrodinger's Cat

之前其實就有風聲說 Gormogon 學徒是 squints 之一,
只是怎麼想也想不到是 Zack.
Zack 是凡事以邏輯思考到幾乎可以不近世事的極端人物,
但我還是很難想像真正的Gormogon 在一次研討會上接近他,之後就能把他洗腦到
之前的聯絡都沒人注意到,那Zack其實很深沈嘛 @@

他最後和 Bones 的對話讓我好難過。
Bones 指出他邏輯裡的謬誤,三個假設都是建構在 human experiences 大我重於小我這個大原則上,
但在 Zack 為了保護 Hodgins 不受傷而延遲爆炸的同時,
果然還是知徒莫若師啊!也只有Bones 能以他的邏輯以子之矛攻子之盾吧!

其實不難看出這個 team的感情有多深厚,而Zack即使理智上被洗腦了,情感上卻還是那麼地依附Jeffersonian
Bones 會感到難過失落其實也情有可原,
不過果然還是 Booth 懂得怎麼安慰她,
雖然她沒送過他什麼東西,但那一封推薦信,其實對 Zack的意義比任何一樣禮物都還要重大吧!

我還真的很喜歡 Zack 這角色呢,
之前另外一個黑人學徒感覺還是少了一點可愛的書呆氣息 @@


在季末一片領便當風潮中 (這還真是美劇季末最愛搞的把戲,討厭)
季末另一個便當,知情的觀眾也會知道是因為演員的"personal issues"
House 的那個便當,雖然很喜歡Wilson跟 Amber 交往後的故事線,
但Amber畢竟不是regular, 總是會有離開的一天,
可是 Zack!!

另,附上 Eric Millegan 接受 TV guide的訪問:

TVGuide.com: OK, so I have to say this out loud. Zack is the Gormogon apprentice.
Millegan: Yup.

TVGuide.com: I'm still cringing. How far in advance did you know about it?
Millegan: Two months ago. They met with me and told me and I was like, "What? Zack eats people?" And they told me that I don't eat people, I kill them — I never reached the eating stage. And I was like, "Oh, My god." But I was kind of excited because I knew it was going to be an exciting send-off.

TVGuide.com: So you're leaving the show?
Millegan: Yeah. But they said, "You know, you're not going to get killed, so we'll still have the option of bringing you back." It was shocking, and I just had to follow it and know that this is what's happening. Zack ends up carted away to a psychiatric facility, but there is the possibility that the others may come visit me.

TVGuide.com: So we might see you next season then?
Millegan: Well, I'm not a series regular anymore, but it's possible that I'll be back from time to time. I can't say much more than that, unfortunately.

TVGuide.com: Was this all written for you because you wanted to leave the show, or are you simply following the fate of your character?
Millegan: Oh, I'm following the fate of my character. It wasn't my choice — it was a creative decision to shake things up and make a good season finale.

TVGuide.com: So you only found out you were the apprentice after the strike?
Millegan: That's right. About a couple weeks before we resumed shooting.


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