今天上Language and the Law 講到一個案例:

"A man makes clear his desire to have sex with a woman and tells her, "I don't want to hurt you." She engages in sex with him, but later claims that she did so only out of fears for her safety if she did not. Did she freely consent, or did the defendant threaten her?"
某男子向一個女人表示想和她發生關係,並說"我不想傷害你". 那女子與他發生關係,但事後聲稱她完全是出於擔心自己安危才如此做. 她真的給予同意了嗎, 還是被告威脅她了?

老師和我們討論, What constitutes a threat?
他在什麼情境下說出"I don't want to hurt you"這句話, 會被解讀為威脅?
文句中讀不出來他是不是拿著槍或武器說出這句話的, 萬一沒有呢?
又, 如果老師對學生說出這句話, 學生怎麼解讀?
Erin說, 如果你(Robin)對我說這句話, 我不會解讀為physical hurt, 可是會想說你可能會當我,
所以, power, weapon constitutes a precondition of threat?

老師問Erin, 假如現在是Fanny對你說出這句話呢?
你們關係平等, 沒有POWER上的差別, 你會解讀為威脅嗎?
Erin 說, 她會解讀成, Fanny有什麼不好的事要告訴她, 不見得是要具體或故意傷害, 可是傷害應該是難免的.

我說, 我覺得不管什麼情境, 基本上你會對某人說出這句話, 你會覺得有強調自己本意良善(或至少不惡)的需要時,
應該就表示難免會造成傷害, 甚或傷害已經造成了吧.

就像一個but-preface: I don't want to hurt you, BUT...

Robin同意我的看法, 接道, 這就像是應用 Gricean Coopperative Principle (合作原則),
我們在對話交流時, 都會假設對方是良善的, 合作的,
那為什麼還需要向對方強調 I mean well?

所以, 根據Priciple of Informativeness, Maxim of Quantity:
Don't say anything you don't need to say.
If you say it, there's some reason why you think you need to say it.
當你說, 我不想傷害你的時候,

你說I don't want to hurt you, 跟 I'm going to hurt you,
解讀出來的其實相差沒多大, 總之就是會hurt就對了.

那要怎麼講, 才是要強調good intention呢?
我想了想, 好像你說 I won't hurt you.的時候, 比較像是個promise吧.


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